Restaurants and Shopping

Groceries and Other Essentials

Once you come to the traffic circle in Emerald Isle, there are 2 major grocery stores:

But wait, there's more...



We've not been to every restaurant on the island, but we're trying! 
We have a hard time deviating from this go-to list, all of which we've tried and recommend:


Swansboro has a really neat little downtown with shopping and restaurants.

Emerald Isle

These are in no particular order, except that we will say the most expensive and some of our most favorite ones are the first two.




Salter Path / Indian Beach / Atlantic Beach

Sometimes you need a road trip.  If you decide to head east on the island, there are some other great restaurants to try.

Beaufort / Morehead City

For an even further drive (35-40 min from beach house), check out these restaurants in Beaufort / Morehead City.